Friday, December 09, 2005


I've been busy with baking and crocheting, and have totally forgotten to update my blog, but you shouldn't miss out on a chance to se a picture of the finished brunkagefigurer (brown cake figures) that I made last week.

150 g brown sugar
250 g sirup
150 g margerine
1 tsp ginger
3 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp clove
2 tsp baking soda
1 egg
550 g all purpose flour

Brown sugar, sirup, and margerine is melted in a pot.
Add spices and baking soda and stir.
Take off heat and let it cool off until lukewarm.
Add egg and flour, and knead until smooth.
Put dough in fridge for a couple of hours or over night.
Roll dough out about ½ cm thick and cut out figures.
Bake in a 200 deg. Cel. preheated oven for about 8 minutes.

When the cookies have cooled, you can decorate them using icing made of egg white and icing sugar.


Tina said...

Those cookies look awesome! I wish i knew how to convert grams to cups and teaspoons, though. Also what kind of sirup? Thanks for the recipe! (I have a recipe for No-Bake Cookies on my blog, but it is all in cups and teaspoons I don't know how to convert them either.) But you are welcome to try them.

Nefermiw said...

I usually use to convert stuff.

Here's a useful list of how much 1 dl of something weighs in grams:
1 dl of sugar is about 70 grams
1 dl of sirup is about 140 grams
1 dl of margerine is about 95 grams
1 dl of flour is about 60 grams

And here is the weights converted into American cups:
150 g sugar = 2.14 dl = 0.9 cup
250 g sirup = 1.79 dl = 0.76 cup
150 g margerine = 1.56 dl = 0.66 cup
550 g flour = 9.17 dl = 3.88 cup

Have fun baking!